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howtos:pic32mx_ubuntu [2025/02/24 17:42]
howtos:pic32mx_ubuntu [2025/02/24 18:31] (current)
Line 70: Line 70:
 $ make -j 10 ; echo $? $ make -j 10 ; echo $?
 $ sudo make install $ sudo make install
 +===== copy Microchip libraries =====
 +# mkdir /​opt/​mipsel-10.3.0/​lib/​microchip/​
 +# cp libc_s_n.a libdsp.a libgcc_s_n.a /​opt/​mipsel-10.3.0/​lib/​microchip/​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
howtos/pic32mx_ubuntu.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/02/24 18:31 by admin
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